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Flag Cupcakes for Parshas Bamidbar

Camp Crate

In this week’s Torah portion, the Jewish people are given direction as to their camping setup. Throughout the forty years of traveling through the desert, each tribe camped together around the Tabernacle, in a specific order. Each tribe had its own flag or banner that differentiated one tribe from another. For forty years they traveled and camped, full of pride, with their banners raised throughout.

To symbolize the flags and banners of the tribes, we have a super simple treat that your family can make to add an edible Parshah dimension to your Shabbat table. Create single colored flags or have fun with multiple colored sour belts to create flags for the different tribes.

Let’s get started!

Here’s What You Will Need:

  • Favorite chocolate cupcakes

  • Thin pretzels

  • Sour belts (or similar candy)

  • Light corn syrup

Let’s Begin:

Start with baking your favorite chocolate cupcakes. Set the cupcakes aside to cool completely.

Now for the flags. Begin by cutting a strip of sour belts about two and a half inches long.

Using the back of a spoon, spread a small amount of corn syrup onto half the sour belt strip. Be careful not to put on too much.

Next, place a pretzel stick in the center of the sour belt and fold the sour belt over the pretzel creating the flag. Press on the sour belt to ensure that the two sides are sticking well to each other.

Repeat this process to create as many flags as you desire.

Using a sharp knife, cut a triangle into the side of the flag. This step can be skipped if you prefer to have a straight flag.

For best results, leave the edible flags to sit for ten to fifteen minutes to ensure it is sticking well. Then, place the flag into the center of the cupcakes.

And there you have it, a simple Parsha themed edible craft for everyone to enjoy!!


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